undefined | OBGYN | Together Women’s Health



Our gynecological expertise includes the evaluation, diagnosis, and treatment of a myriad of disorders, including the abnormal Pap smear, irregular bleeding patterns, uterine fibroids, and incontinence. We embrace caring for women from adolescence through menopause.

Annual Exam

Office Based Procedures

Family Planning Services

Abnormal Pap Smears


In-Office 3D Screening Mammography


Deciding you are ready to have a baby is one of the most important decisions of your life! We are here to make sure you are as ready physically as you are mentally. You should schedule a preconception visit 1-3 months before you start to “try”. This consultation allows us to meet with you and your partner and review timing, your health history, family history, genetic testing and discuss general preconception recommendations. You can plan on spending about 30 minutes with your doctor and possibly having blood work done as well. Download this form and bring it with you to your appointment.


Women who have difficulty conceiving are often referred immediately to a specialist. At NSW we can start the process of evaluating you and your partner in a setting where you are already comfortable. Click here to download information on fertility testing.

HPV Vaccine

Human papillomavirus (HPV) is the virus that causes genital warts, abnormal pap smears and in its worst forms-cervical cancer. HPV is extremely prevalent with over 80% of all sexually active people having been exposed to one form or another. At NSW we offer the Gardasil vaccine which protects against infection with certain types of HPV and decreases the chance that you will develop one of these diseases. The vaccine is given in 3 doses over a 6 month period. Ideally it is given before a woman becomes sexually active but can be given anytime from the ages of 9-45.
Please ask your provider about the HPV vaccine at your next appointment or visit www.gardasil.com.

Abnormal bleeding

Abnormal uterine bleeding is any bleeding that is out of the ordinary for you. Longer or shorter menstrual cycles, bleeding in between periods, bleeding after intercourse and bleeding after menopause are considered abnormal. Hormonal changes and growths in the uterus (like polyps) are the most common reasons for irregular bleeding. Identifying the specific cause of the bleeding is the best way to treat it. We can do blood tests to evaluate for hormonal imbalances, and ultrasound is the best way to look for any uterine abnormalities. Treatments can include medication, surgical procedures or simply watching and waiting. If at any time you have so much bleeding that you soak through a maxi pad in less than an hour please call the office immediately.

Together Women’s Health is here for all of your female health needs. Please note that services may vary across practices and locations.

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Together Women’s Health

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Northwestern Specialists for Women